It is important for owner managers to plan well ahead when considering their exit options.
Many of our clients are long-standing and our commitment to them not only involves completing transactions but working on business planning and exit strategy.
We often spend three to four years helping owner-managers prepare their business for sale so that they can maximise shareholder value. This can involve identifying issues within the business and advising on strategies to make the business more attractive to prospective purchasers.
We take great care to understand our clients’ business, so that we can assist them in maximising shareholder value and with our wealth of experience, we can ensure our clients make the right strategic moves ahead of an exit.
Key Considerations
Build a close relationship with your advisor two / three years before an exit
Early engagement allows your advisor to maximise value enhancement opportunities. They are able to get “under the skin” of the business but also get to know you personally given that you will build a close relationship during a transaction – a good cultural fit is critical.
Build the future strategy around your exit
Growing the business comprises a very different set of success factors versus preparing the business for exit and therefore early identification of these allows you and your advisor to shape the business ready for a process.
Timing is key
Early preparation of the business means that if an interested party does approach you off-market then you are primed and ready to engage, or to launch an accelerated process around that interest. Off-market approaches are excellent indicators of the quality of your business but often come at the wrong time and seldom deliver you a market valuation.
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